How to Keep Your Pool Algae-Free This Summer

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Summer has arrived and now it’s the most wonderful time of the year…for people who consider themselves fish. Hopefully, your Christmas tree is either put away or thrown out by now, and your swimming pool is up and running. And although it can be the most peaceful and blissful, or wild and fun, thing in the world, no one ever said that owning a pool is easy. The Chlorine and pH levels have to be just right, it needs to be cleaned regularly, and it needs to be kept free of algae.

3 Ways to Make Your Pool Stand Out

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It is finally time to open your pool for summer fun. Having friends, family and neighbors enjoy your backyard escape can make for some lasting memories. There are many ways to make your pool stand out from the rest.

Adding a vibrant splash of color, a riveting addition or a new finish could make your pool the talk of the neighborhood and even raise the value of your home.